Lae Nani Ala Kukui


In the Hawaiian language, “ho’omaha” means to take a break, relax, have a vacation….

Until you might visit Kauai, please enjoy looking at these pictures for a brief ho’omaha.

What is “Lae Nani Ala Kukui”? 

It’s a residence at Lae Nani, a beautiful group of buildings on Papaloa Road in Kapa’a. The point at the top of the cape of Wailua Bay is named “Ala Kukui Point”.  Lae Nani Ala Kukui (LNAK for short) is the closest residence to the top of Ala Kukui Point and the ancient Kukui Heiau. 

Lae Nani Ala Kukui is offered for vacation rentals through 

Kauai Vacation Rentals.


Please use this link: Kauai Vacation Rentals to visit their website for more information or call 808.245.8841


The website is operated by the owner of Lae Nani Ala Kukui who is solely responsible for its use and content. This website is for study, exploration, and commentary.  Commercial information or contacts are not available from this website. 


Walk More, Drive Less.

Take advantage of the many great places within walking distance of Lae Nani Ala Kukui, and the Kapa’a coastal bike path.